
General purpose semantic header to announce the name of an application on a Getting Started page
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A Micro Header is a general purpose semantic header to announce the name of an application on a Getting Started page and provide options for a user to take.

It renders an application title, logo image, and accepts optional “action” props that users can pass to a provided dropdown or listbox component via the menuComponent prop, which it makes accessible to end-users via a contextual “More” menu icon.

MicroHeader is deprecated. This component will be removed 6 months from the date that styled brand components ship from a separate library.


import {MicroHeader} from '@fuegokit/react'


Micro Header accepts a React component in the slot for a listbox or dropdown menu, which allows consumers to choose their own solution.

In addition to passing your own dropdown or listbox component as a React component into a slot, you can provide your own feedback button icon and label as well:

Every Getting Started page MicroHeader has several options for users to take action, including a button with a primary action as well as a dropdown or listbox that provides options for users to take.

Those actions can be internal, external, or addon actions.

Micro Header will display a contextual menu that renders a dropdown or listbox component, which you can pass as a React componenet into the MicroHeaderMenu component as an argument.

This works for any 3rd-party dropdown component or listbox component you might import and use in the product environment:

import Dropdown, {DropdownItem} from "@atlaskit/dropdown-menu";
import {MicroHeader, Footer, Stack} from "@fuegokit/react";
const MyMenu = ({menuItems, actionHandler, action, ...props}) => {
return (
{menuItems.map(item => {
<DropdownItem key={item.id} onClick={() => myActionHandler(action)} />

See also